Starz Dance, Where the Evolution Begins!
About the Studio
Welcome and thank you for your interest in Starz Dance. We are a new top quality
dance studio that is proud to be known as a “home” for dancers. By offering
unsurpassed dance instruction with numerous different classes weekly in our
facility, we have established an unparalleled reputation. Whether you’re a beginner
or an actively competing performer, our studio is sure to offer just the class you
seek. Our goal here at Starz Dance is to instill the love of dance through teaching
our students hard work, dedication, responsibility, and discipline. We structure
our classes to benefit the student by teaching dance technique and skills that they
will carry with them even out of the studio. Students are encouraged to challenge
themselves, in order to progress in class. We ensure that here at Starz Dance we
offer a safe and constructive environment for all of our students.
We invite you to be a part of the Starz Dance family; Starz Dance-Where the
Evolution Begins!
Our staff is fully committed to your dance development and training. You are sure
to find a favorite teacher in this diverse group! Our teachers work professionally
in various aspects of their field and bring their expertise and knowledge into the
classroom. Information on each teacher is accessible on the staff page of our
website. All members of our staff work as a team to ensure the studio is run in a
highly efficient and well-organized manner. From program administrators to event
coordinators, our employs are dedicated individuals who love what they do, and
whose primary goal is to support the growth of our studio and dancers.